Tips For Setting Up A Successful Booth

While the details of setting up a booth are different for, say, a trade show than a career fair, many of the principles are the same. After all, the point is to get your company or product noticed by as many people as possible. Your booth may be one of hundreds, if not thousands. Set up your booth to receive maximum exposure, thus ensuring a good return on investment.

Select an Eye-Catching Custom Canopy

The first step happens before you even arrive at the event center – you need to organize your display. A custom canopy, like those from, catches people's eyes and can also help them remember the location of your booth. Naturally, the canopy must display your brand logo and name. While keeping it simple is advisable, you also want your custom canopy to draw people's attention. Ensure the lettering and logo are large. Likewise, consider adding a bold color such as red or yellow, as long as it fits with your company's image. Avoid any detailed pictures because they can look unfocused from far away.

Place Representatives in the Front

As their title states, representatives are responsible for representing your company. Forbes Magazine observes that many exhibitors sit behind a table, and that this is ineffective. Instead, set up the booth so that your representatives have no barrier between them and passersby. If they must have a sitting area, set them up with tall chairs at the front of the booth. This facilitates their communication with potential customers or job applicants because it makes them more approachable.

Push Tables to the Back

Clearly, if your representatives are up front, the tables need to be at the back. This may seem like it pushes your product or services out of the limelight. In fact, the goal of your booth is to invite people inside. You want them under your tent talking to your representatives and giving you their contact information. It's very easy to walk by a table – less easy to walk by an engaging human being inviting you to come in and find out more about a product or company. The key to implementing this tip successfully is ensuring your displays are eye catching.

Make Displays Attractive

Attractive displays draw the eye. As the University of Hawaii Career Center points out, legible displays also enhance the credibility of your company. If you have a selection of promotional gifts, make sure they're arranged neatly and in an ample supply to encourage passersby. If you're selling products, group them according to complementary uses to encourage people to buy more than one item. For example, instead of placing all shampoos together, set up displays of the entire product line for each hair type.

Whether you're selling products, attempting to attract potential employees or simply putting out information about your company, an attractive setup under an attention-getting canopy puts shines a favorable light on your company.
